Friday, February 22, 2008

ROLLYO thoughts

Interesting. I can see how useful this could be for a specific hobby or interest, or research topic. Like anything else, of course, it has its limitataions. I searched the “free photos” rollyo for “Tom Selleck” and “Elizabeth Peters”. There were a number of hits that weren’t pictures—just the mention of the name on someone’s profile, or an artistic photo or bricks “Tom Selleck’s Mustache” (didn’t understand that!).

Even with folders, “favorites” lists become cumbersome. I expect a very personal Rollyo could help this. You really wouldn’t even have to organize them—just pull it up and search the topic. And, since the site list is conveniently located, if you know you need to look at the main site for a particular topic, then you can click on that.

I’m wondering how it would work with sites requiring passwords to search, or databases you must subscribe to. For example: If I were doing research, I might like to be able to search my topic on Ebsco, Literary Resources, and Wiki. Could I create a Rollyo of all 3? Probably not.

Nice that the paid ads are in a different color!

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